1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!--<autogenerated>
3      This code was generated
by a tool to store the dataset designer's layout information.
4      Changes to
this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
5      the code
is regenerated.
6 </autogenerated>-->
7 <DiagramLayout xmlns:xsi=
"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ex:showrelationlabel="False" ViewPortX="0" ViewPortY="14" xmlns:ex="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdatasource-layout-extended" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdatasource-layout">
8   <Shapes>
9     <Shape ID=
"DesignTable:Voucher" ZOrder="4" X="70" Y="70" Height="191" Width="193" AdapterExpanded="true" DataTableExpanded="true" OldAdapterHeight="0" OldDataTableHeight="0" SplitterPosition="140" />
10     <Shape ID=
"DesignTable:Voucher_OtherDetails" ZOrder="3" X="333" Y="70" Height="172" Width="271" AdapterExpanded="true" DataTableExpanded="true" OldAdapterHeight="0" OldDataTableHeight="0" SplitterPosition="121" />
11     <Shape ID=
"DesignTable:Company" ZOrder="1" X="704" Y="171" Height="248" Width="199" AdapterExpanded="true" DataTableExpanded="true" OldAdapterHeight="0" OldDataTableHeight="0" SplitterPosition="197" />
12   </Shapes>
13   <Connectors>
14     <Connector ID=
"DesignRelation:FK_Voucher_OtherDetails_Voucher" ZOrder="2" LineWidth="11">
15       <RoutePoints>
16         <Point>
17           <X>
18           <Y>
19         </Point>
20         <Point>
21           <X>
22           <Y>
23         </Point>
24       </RoutePoints>
25     </Connector>
26   </Connectors>
27 </DiagramLayout>

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